Smart Factory: Explained

Free mini video course - how to build a next-generation manufacturing plant

About video course

This mini video course provides an overview of key trends and best practices related to building a next-generation manufacturing plant.

Participants will learn about current trends, recent solutions and use cases and modern technologies – and how to incorporate them into plant operations.

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Smart Factory Explained: Einführung

Watch and learn how to build the future of Manufacturing.

Join the Next-Generation Movement.
Smart Factory is now!

The course covers 6 episodes:

Episode #1

4 min 27 sec.

Overlooked purpose of Smart Factory.

Jakub Kaczyński

Portfolio Director

Episode #2

6 min 22 sec.

Digital Transformation journey - how not to lose your way in the marketing maze.

Łukasz Schulz

IIoT Evangelist

Episode #3

6 min 01 sec.

Top 5 misconceptions about the success of Industry 4.0 initiatives.

Jakub Kaczyński

Portfolio Director

Episode #4

4 min 37 sec.

Digital Twin for manufacturing what if I tell you they're already here?

Łukasz Schulz

IIoT Evangelist

Episode #5

5 min 28 sec.

Does disruption drive sustainable manufacturing?

Jakub Kaczyński

Portfolio Director

Episode #6

4 min 48 sec.

Building the Smart Factory of Tomorrow: Harnessing AR, Cloud and Machine Learning for Competitive Advantage

Piotr Wykowski

IoT Team Manager and DevOps Evangelist

What you'll get

6 high-quality video episodes

straight to your email (two per week)

Smart Factory at glance

no-bullshit recordings up to 10 minutes for busy people


about future episodes and additional materials (reports, success stories, etc.)

Free post-course consultations

and support with our specialists (if needed)

Unlimited access

to the course - a link to the episode sent to your email inbox

Practical knowledge

listen to Industry 4.0 professionals who understand IT and OT worlds

Crafted for busy leaders from technology enthusiasts

Jakub Kaczyński

Portfolio Director
Transition Technologies PSC

Passionate about Industry 4.0 and how much the IT and OT worlds can learn from each other. That is why he strives to ensure their convergence every day, talking to IT about the industrial world, to manufacturers about technologies - and to both about Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory innovations.

Łukasz Schulz

IIoT Evangelist
Transition Technologies PSC

Industry IoT enthusiast before it was cool. With one leg in OT world of manufacturing industry and other in IT communication and data exchange he is spreading (r)Evolution 4.0 message among users, integrators and broad audience as IIoT Evangelist in TT PSC. In free time Gamer, craft beer connoisseur and wannabe rockstar.

Piotr Wykowski

IoT Team Manager and DevOps Evangelist
Transition Technologies PSC

IoT Evangelist and DevOps enthusiast with a passion for automating things. I'm dedicated to driving innovation and improving the way customers do business. Crafting clean, efficient code is my passion, and it's the foundation for delivering high-quality solutions at any (r)Evolution 4.0 scale.

Frequently asked questions

How long will I have access to the video content?

Access will be unlimited in time.

How will I get access to the materials?

A link to each episode will be sent to your email inbox (twice a week). If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Will I get additional materials? What kind of materials?

Yes, we will additionally send you materials related to Smart Factory. This may include infographics, whitepapers, reports, case studies, etc.

Will you be recording more episodes?

Yes, we are planning further recordings. We have created 6 episodes, but this is just the beginning. We will inform you about new materials.

Will I learn from this guide how to start the digital transformation of the industry?

Yes. You will also learn what to pay special attention to when starting a digital transformation and what mistakes to avoid. Hear from Industry 4.0 experts who understand the world of IT and OT and have helped streamline many organizations' manufacturing operations. By accessing the free video tutorial, you can learn the ins and outs of the smart factory without the cost of expensive training or consulting.

Do I need to have specialized knowledge?

No, you don't have to. We start with the basics. The course is for everyone, regardless of knowledge level. Our videos are an easy way to delve into the topic of Smart Factory. No boredom, no long monologues - just the most important information, presented in an accessible way.

Will there be an opportunity for discussion or questions?

You can contact us at any time at your convenience. Write to e-mail or contact Jakub, Łukasz or Piotr directly on Linkedin. Higher up in the section with the description of the specialists you will find a link to their profiles. We also plan to hold a Q&A session in the future.

Will examples of implementations be provided at the training?

Yes, we will try to provide as many of them as possible.

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