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Cloud Kitchen
Proven technological recipes for business transformation
Strategic Cloud Partners:

What do we prepare in Cloud Kitchen?
This project's main goal and mission are to highlight key aspects of using cloud technology in the enterprise. We are focusing on the best practices and sharing our knowledge on how to avoid pitfalls during cloud adoption.
Let us help you choose the proper ingredients to plan the right activities in your business transformation journey.
Sneak peek of a cloud dish cooked
in episode #6
Prepare your tech taste buds ready as we step into the DevOps realm, where tech teams blend seamlessly, serving up cloud projects at warp speed. Get set for a byte of DevOps brilliance and level up your tech & biz transformation game with us!
See the teaserIntrigued by what we cook in our tech kitchen and hungry for more? There is an easy way to fix it!
Sign up to get an email with a link to the Cloud Kitchen series playlist containing all the full episodes that we have released so far. Don't worry about the future and the next episodes. We will let you know as soon as we release a new one.
Quick look at latest cloud's recipes
What you'll get thanks to our Cloud Kitchen video treats
Becoming more Cloud savvy
to use its full potential
Business Transformation support
to improve your organization's processes
Unlimited access to Top Cloud Chefs
and their know-how
Cloud Tips & Tricks based on real
projects implementations
A solid dose of practical tech
& non-tech knowledge
Deep understanding of Cloud
to avoid common pitfalls during its adoption
Cloud Kitchen video series sparked your appetite?
Curious about what more our experts have to offer regarding possibilities to transform your business with cloud technology? Don't wait any longer! Set up a non-binding and free-of-charge consultations with one of our cloud experts.
Meet our Cloud Top "Chefs"
Have questions about Cloud Kitchen? Check now. We may already have some answers!
How long will I have access to the video content?
How to get full video materials?
You don't have to do anything extra to enjoy access to all published episodes of Cloud Kitchen. We plan to premiere each episode from 1-6 every month starting in January 2024. So, in July 2024, you will have unlimited access to the entire Cloud Kitchen's video library.
Will there be more episodes in the future?
Yes, we are planning more recordings depending on the scale of interest in series number 1. We have created 6 episodes so far, but we treat it as an introduction to the broad topic of Cloud. Don't worry. We won't let you miss the next series. We will inform the world on Social Media about launching the next Cloud Kitchen tasty video pack.
Will I learn more about how to start my business transformation?
Yes. The premise of this program is to support companies and equip them with useful knowledge about cloud transformation. The first series is just an introduction to this topic.
Do I have to be an expert in cloud technology to understand the message?
No, you don't. We set ourselves the goal of communicating key topics in an understandable way for the business world, not just IT. Cloud Kitchen is for everyone, regardless of the level of your tech awareness. Boredom is also not a threat to you because we have presented the key technical issues with a dose of humor.
How can I talk to TT PSC Cloud Kitchen's Top Chefs?
You can contact them at any time at your convenience. Write an email to
Cloud Kitchen videos made you hungry for more?
If you are interested in what else we offer in this area, visit the Cloud Transformation website and let the relevant technology empower your business.